Monday, February 13, 2006

san sebastian, spain

#2. I never would have thought it would last this long.

My last week was one of anticipation as I had both going to Spain to see my friend German Ben, and my family coming into town in a couple of weeks on my mind. That said, I still had to participate in a group presentation (on Wal-Mart...I was the only person in my group that had stepped a foot inside the store), play a little football (soccer....which I now officially really like), and try to figure out my dissertation topic.

On Friday, Feb. 10th I traveled with my friend Rachel Hodgetts down to San Sebastian, Spain to see my friend Ben, who I met when he was a foreign exchange student at Salem. He was (characteristcally) a wonderful host and showed us a wonderful side of the city.

San Sebastian is located right on the border of France, on the coast (Atlantic Ocean). This is considered Basque country. It is a summertime destintation for many in Europe and as we went in February, it was a gratefully a little calmer and cheaper. One of my favorite things in the city, and now the entire world, are Pintxos.

Pinxtos are small portions of food (called Tappas in other parts of Spain) that create a dining experience unlike any I have experienced. You walk into a bar, and spread all along the bar are plates of these Pinxtos. San Sebastian is known for its seafood and many of the small treats have some sort of sea dwelling creature in or on them, but it is not only seafood. So you walk into these bars, you grab a napkin, and without telling anyone, you just start to eat them.

What is the catch, you might say? Not much. They are fairly large portions, cost about $1 - $1.50 a piece, have a lot of choices, and are delicious. Maybe the coolest part of the entire experience is that you don't have to keep track of how many you have, that is the bartenders job!! Crazy!! When it is time to pay, you ask for your check and without fail he or she has kept track of exactly what you have eaten. There can be 50 or more people doing the same time and somehow they keep track. I have no idea how.

One of Ben's friends, Miren, met up with us both nights as she is from the city, and we went out to a few bars, ate at great local places, hiked up a local mountains to get great views of the city, and just enjoyed ourselves.

It was a great time and thanks a lot to Ben.

Trying to keep my nose in the books this week as my family is coming at the end the week.

Also, although he has possibly the best hair in the Big 12, it was probably time for a new coach at the University of Missouri. Bye Quin.

Until next time.

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