smoggy sunset
rearview mirror pic in my first chilean cab
friend stefan, from germany, snapping a shot from a cable car ride overlooking the city
kind of a crazy looking clown/mime about to tell me in spanish not to take pictures
barney loves chilenos, chilenos love barney, ellos son un familia feliz
new & old styles colliding downtown
my neck of the woods - called providencia
These are just a few more pics that I have of the city.
I am about to start my first full week of work tomorrow. Patricio, with whom I am staying, had a birthday this last week and it marked the family coming over, a few friends, much sweet food and a gaggle of mini-pizzas. Also, one of Patrice's friends, who did not speak much English, after about 3 hours at the party asked me if I liked tongue twisters. Who doesn't. He then proceeded to then rattle off the "wood chuck chucking wood" sentence with a fair amount of clarity. You just never know what's going to happen next.
Also, I played tennis today with a kid who Patricio knew (about 16 years old or so) and got it handed to me. But, I played on clay for the first time and that was pretty great. And it made my socks super dirty.
Spanish = slowly but surely.
Job search = begins......now.
Getting ready for conference in Germany = quickly approaching and I'm looking forward to it.
The song "Mushaboom" by Feist = my recent favorite.
All for now.